viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013
jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013
First Russians of the "Arctic 30" released on bail
Nuestra primera victoria, poco a poco todos volverán al hogar
Ban ki moon & PM Of Poland in Climate Change Conference cop 19
19th November 2013
Dear Minister:
Act now to establish an international mechanism on climate change-induced loss and damage at
COP19 in Warsaw. Inevitable loss and damage is a reality – we need solutions now!
The world has now entered the era of devastating climate change-induced loss and damage. Our collective
failure to adequately mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and support necessary adaptation actions means
that vulnerable communities, ecosystems and countries face increasing loss and damage due to climate
change impacts on an unprecedented scale. Typhoon Haiyan, which has affected nearly 13 million people
in the Philippines alone, is a stark reminder of just how serious the impacts of major storms and extreme
weather-related events can be.
In 1992, developed countries agreed to take the lead in addressing climate change under the principle of
common but differentiated responsibilities. Yet they have failed to take sufficient action in line with the
latest climate science. While politicians talk, emissions are increasing at an alarming rate, making a global
temperature rise of more than 4 degrees Celsius by 2100 a distinct possibility.
There is no time to lose. COP19 must be a historic milestone and those most responsible for climate
change must adhere to their legal and moral responsibilities for reducing and tackling climate change
impacts. Yet, even with urgent action, the world will increasingly experience substantial loss and damage.
In the absence of adequate mitigation and support for adaptation, an international mechanism on
loss and damage is not an option – it is a necessity.
Whilst the UNFCCC has existing mechanisms and instruments on mitigation, adaptation, finance,
technology and clean development, there is no specific mechanism to address loss and damage. Nor can
loss and damage simply be subsumed under existing frameworks. It requires a dedicated international
mechanism to advance the important work of tackling climate change impacts and compensate countries
for the loss and damage they are increasingly sustaining.
Governments agreed at COP18 that the UNFCCC’s role on loss and damage includes enhancing
knowledge and understanding; strengthening global coordination and coherence; and enhancing action
and support to address loss and damage. More than 130 developing countries have now issued a joint
proposal for an international mechanism. We the undersigned now urgently call on the Conference of
the Parties to establish an international mechanism on loss and damage in Warsaw.
We the undersigned, 118 organisations, call on governments to establish an International Mechanism on
Loss and Damage at COP19, Warsaw Climate Conference.
Organisation Organisation
1. CARE International 2. Centro de Planificación y Estudio Social
3. WWF International 4. Movimiento Salvadoreños por la Defensa de la Vida
5. ActionAid International 6. Alternativa Salvadoreña de Cooperativas
7. Climate Action Network South Asia 8. Confederación Salvadoreña de Cooperativas
9. International National Trusts Organisation
10. Confederación Nacional de Cooperativas
Agropecuarias (CONFENACOA)
11. Climate Justice Programme 12. Organismo de Asesoría Integral (OASI)
13. Janathakshan - Sri Lanka 14. Federación de Cooperativas de Nicaragua
15. Zambia Youth Climate Change Forum
16. Mesa nacional de incidencia para la gestion del
riesgo El Paraiso ,HONDURAS
17. Clean Energy Nepal (CEN) 18. Christian Aid
19. Polish Climate Coalition 20. Grupo de Asesoría en Agricultura Sostenibe (GAAS)
21. PAIRVI, India 22. Mesa Nacional de Cambio Climático, Guatemala
23. North South University, Dhaka 24. Asociación Ecológica de San Marcos de Ocotepeque
25. Earth in Brackets 26. Fundación de Iniciativas de Cambio Climático de
27. Friends of the Earth U.S. 28. UN OCHA ROCCA, Armenia
29. Global Network for Disaster Reduction 30. SIT Study Abroad Nicaragua
31. Climate Change Network Nigeria 32. SAFCEI/WHF
33. Center for International Environmental Law 34. PRO VIDA
35. Asociación Salvadoreña de Ayuda Humanitaria.
36. Cayman Institute 37. EcoEquity
38. Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) 39. Edmund Rice Centre for Justice & Community
40. SDS(TFINS) 41. Pacific Calling Partnership
42. Edmund Rice Centre
43. SDO 44. Mercy Corps Indonesia - Asian Cities Climate
Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN) Program
45. Amigos del Viento Uruguay-América del Sur 46. Foro ACT Honduras
47. Center for Disaster Preparedness 48. CASM- Honduras
49. Federal Ministry of Health – Sudan 50. Centro de Desarrollo Humano. CDH-Honduras
50. Asociacion Ecologica Vidas Verdes – Lima Peru
51. Action for sustainable change (AFOSC-Kenya) 52. Ministry of Health and Social Welfare Tanzania
53. Environmental Planning and Management
Consulting Company, Nepal
54. ONG Carbone Guinée
55. African Federation of Environmental Journalists
(AFEJ) and the Somali Media for Environment,
Science, Health and Agriculture (SOMESHA)
57. Environmental Advocacy Center of Panama
58. Project Gaia, Inc.
59. Centre National de Coopération au
Développement (CNCD-11.11.11)
60. blueEnergy
61. Bangladesh Disaster Preparedness Centre
62. Centro Humboldt Organisation Organisation
63. SEEDS 64. All India Women’s Conference
65. Centro Humboldt (Nicaragua) 66. Oxfam International
67. Centro para la autonomía y desarrollo de los
pueblos indígenas (CADPI) - Nicaragua
68. Equity BD
69. BEA International 70. FENACOOP
71. APED 72. FLACSO Argentina
73. Huairou Commission 74. Carl J. Presman & Associated
75. Women in Europe for a Common Future 76. Practical Action
77. Stand Up For Your Rights 78. Alianza para un Mundo Verde
79. Stichting CXI Adaptation Group 80. CAFOD
81. Global Gender and Climate Alliance 82. Facilitadora AHCC
83. WASCAL (West African Science Service
Center on Climate Change and Adapted Land
84. International National Trusts Organisation
85. Tebtebba (Indigenous Peoples’ International
Centre for Policy Research and Education)
86. FU-Berlin
87. German Catholic Bishops’ Organisation for
Development Cooperation
88. Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Sostenible
89. The Gaia Foundation 90. IBON International
91. SONIA 92. Campaña Justicia Climática, El Salvador
93. EFICOR 94. Miriam P.E.A.C.E
95. 11.11.11 96. Mesa Nacional de Cambio Climàtico
97. RESO-Femmes internantional 98. Project 90 by 2030 (South Africa)
99. Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR) 100. Russian Socio-Ecological Union
101. CORDAID, The Netherlands 102. ENDA Energy-Environment-Development
103. PRRM Philippines 104. Royal Society for Protection of Nature,
105. Jubilee South Asia Pacific Movement on
Debt and Development
106. Center for Participatory Research and
107. Philippine Movement for Climate Justice 108. Islamic Relief Worldwide
109. Freedom from debt Coalition 110. CAN Tanzania Climate Change Alert and
111. Our Rivers Our Life Philippines 112. Alternative Futures, India
113. Sustainlabour 114. Development Alternatives, India
115. Tearfund 116. Friends of the Earth England, Wales & Northern
117. La Voz Lenca del COPINH 118. Friends of the Earth, Europe
119. Association Lead Tchad
viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013
martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013
Tú puedes liberar a los #Arctic30
lunes, 11 de noviembre de 2013
Rainbow appearing while russians enter artic sunrise
sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2013
Climate Change Conference in Warsaw (COP 19)
viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013
Behind the Scenes with the Arctic 30 Support Team - ENGLISH VERSION
Los #Arctic30, nos envían cartas desde prisión
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El Calentamiento Global y el Cambio Climático es responsabilidad humana, según el ultimo informe de Naciones Unidas, y a partir de all...