lunes, 26 de julio de 2010

Resolving Global Warming

Water is a priority: to have water and basic sanitation is a fundamental necessity in the lives of everyone. For the first time, the possibility that water will become recognized as a human right will be debated soon in the United Nations. Transnational corporations should not make water a mecancía or can pretend to make millions with it. It expects a contentious debate within the General Assembly. Powerful countries like Canada, Australia, the United States or Britain, who call themselves "defenders of human rights" have been lobbying to prevent the water to be recognized as a human right.

The defense of water is also the defense of life, dignity and recognition of the people. Every eight seconds a child dies from diseases related to water, which would be prevented from having access to safe water and adequate sanitation. Today, nearly two billion people live in areas of water stress and three billion have no running water near their homes. The situation worsens as the world runs out of clean water.

The human right to water should be established so that no one can refuse the water for basic needs of life for lack of ability to pay. This is to prevent transnational corporations doing business billionaires with water and not to purchase on this unprecedented rights, such as increasing alarmingly so. According to Bolivian President Evo Morales, "the water should not be a private business, but a right which the State gives to its people." In Bolivia there is a long tradition of protection of water by the population. According to the ambassador of Bolivia to the UN, Mr. Pablo Solon, "the lack of access to clean water is the biggest violation of human rights in the world."

It is important that the obligation of states to provide water in sufficient quantity, right quality, accessible and affordable for all its people is encrypted. A UN agreement would serve as a deterrent to those seeking to trade with the water and profit from their hoarding. Formally establish that water is a human right and not a commodity

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